
Development of nanoparticle inks with active matrix materials

Reducing the thermal treatment conditions required for depositing metal oxide thin films onto flexible plastic substrates is a challenge. In this blog the use of preformed crystalline nanoparticles in active matrix will be discussed and with promising results showing this as a potential way forward.

Software licensing and impact on print costs

Software is fundamental to the operation of digital printers, as the image to be printed is defined in software itself as a file of data. This article discusses the importance of printing software, the way in which this is licensed from suppliers, and the significance of this for print costs.

Designer droplets – why the size and stability of particles in inkjet inks matter

Dr Steve Ward-Smith of Malvern Instruments gives an overview of the main particle assessment techniques he will be describing in detail at the Inkjet Ink Characterisation course to be held at IMI Europe's Inkjet Summer School in Ghent, Belgium in June 2017.